マユ乃葉 ~ Mayunoha ~
音楽家(ピアニスト 作曲家 ) 福岡市出身
鹿児島国際大学 国際文化学部 音楽学科 ピアノ専攻
福岡での活動期間中はジャズライブをメインに、親善大使として姉妹都市であるフランス ボルドー市、アメリカ アトランタ市にてピアニスト、作曲家としての演奏活動を行う
アメリカ カリフォルニア州で行われたイベント共演をきっかけに、 シャンソン歌手 第一人者 大木康子さんのラストアルバム『大木康子アズナブールを歌う』にてアレンジ兼ピアニストを務める
リズム&ブルース第一人者 上田正樹氏らとの演奏活動によるグルーブアプローチの追求
日本が誇る作曲家 野田暉行氏とのセッション等を経て、現在のスタイルに至る
喜びの時も、悲しみの時も、希望へと繋がる種を蒔き続けられますように. . . .
About Mayunoha
Pianist, Composer and Arranger
Mayu was born in Fukuoka City.
She began playing the piano at the age of 4 and began writing her own songs at the age of 7.
She is a graduate of the Department of Music (Piano Major) of the Faculty of International Cultural Studies at Kagoshima International University.
Mayu began performing as a professional while in school before going to New York for training.
After returning, she began performing across a wide variety of genres.
While in Fukuoka, she performed as a goodwill ambassador in the sister cities of Bordeaux (France) and Atlanta (U.S.) as a pianist and composer.
In 2000, she moved to Tokyo, where she has been involved in stage music production and commercial music production, expanding her activities both in Japan and abroad.
After performing with Yasuko Ohki at an event in California, she became the pianist for her last album “Yasuko Ohki Sings Aznavour,” which was released by the pioneering chanson singer.
In 2010, she moved to a more natural environment to devote herself to creating music.
Mayu found her style after researching Schoenberg and other contemporary music, strengthening her groove approach by performing with Masaki Ueda, a leading figure in rhythm & blues, and others, and by studying with famous Japanese composer Teruyuki Noda.
“They say true music has the power to inspire people's hearts.
I’m in pursuit of expressing the sound I feel in nature and in compassion by following the teachings of my predecessors.
I hope to continue sowing seeds of hope both in times of joy and sorrow.”
マユ乃葉とケイアイ(5-strings Bass)から成るユニット
2022年8月にファーストアルバム『SKETCHES OF EDEN』を発表
A unit consisting of Mayunoha and K.I. (5-string bass)
Their first album “SKETCHES OF EDEN” was released in August 2022.